Our park > The park’s charter
Charte du Parc 2019-07-16T15:50:46+01:00

Another way of living

The park territory is managed by means of a charter which sets out a 12-year protection and sustainable development plan that results from a wide consultation between the stakeholders of the territory. The charter is approved by decree of the Prime Minister for a maximum duration of 15 years. This documents commits the local authorities, the departments of Vaucluse and Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, the Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region and the State. The Luberon Regional Nature Park was first designated as a Regional Nature Park in 1977, then renewed in 1997 and again in 2009 until 2021.

For more information please read the following articles (in french)

Enquête publique pour la révision de la Charte

Enquête publique pour la Charte du Parc 2025-2040 du 2 au 31 mai 2024.

  • bandeau la charte du Parc du Luberon

La charte du Parc du Luberon

La Charte, c’est le projet de développement durable pour le Luberon.

La révision de la Charte du Parc

La révision de la Charte du Parc : un nouveau projet de territoire pour 2025-2040.

Front picture : Goult town © David Tatin

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