Géoparc du Luberon 2023-05-15T15:22:02+01:00

The Luberon UNESCO Global Geopark


In 2004 the Luberon Regional Nature Park received international recognition for its rich geological, historical and cultural heritage and welcomed into both the European and Global Geopark Networks endorsed by UNESCO.

Our Geopark is located in the southeast of France, in Provence, nearby the cities of Aix-en-Provence and Avignon.

We invite you on a journey through space and time to discover the rich history of the Luberon over the last 130 million years. Stories of tropical seas, savannah, fossil mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians and fishes, ocher mountains… 

The geopark is home to an exceptionally diverse fauna and flora, as well as a rich cultural heritage. Join us to discover a mosaic of landscapes, villages perched on hilltops, rocks, fossils and other geological curiosities!

About our geopark

The Luberon UNESCO Global Geopark is located in the southeast of France, in Provence, close to the towns of Aix-en-Provence and Avignon.

Explore the geopark

Discover the geological heritage of the Luberon Regional Nature Park, UNESCO Global Geopark through major geosites, museums and itineraries.

What is a geopark?

UNESCO Global Geoparks are territories where sites and landscapes of international geological significance are managed with a holistic concept of protection, education and sustainable development.

How to get there

Situated in southeastern France, the Luberon UNESCO Global Geopark is located in Provence, close to the towns of Aix-en-Provence and Avignon. The Geopark is easily accesible.

Geopark partners

Start exploring the Luberon Geopark and discover its rich geological heritage with our geopartners!

Géodécouvertes en Luberon

Programmes d'animations, conférences et randonnées.

  • 17 ODD

17 objectifs de développement durable

Zoom sur les Objectifs de développement durable dans le territoire Luberon-Lure.

Public outreach

The park stimulates awareness and knowledge of sustainability issues and promotes responsible environmental behaviour.

— Consultez toutes les thématiques

Coups de coeur



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